Payday Loan Refund Helpline
0800 36 88 133
Are you wondering how much will I get back from the payday lenders?
Just complete our FAST, FREE Payday Loan Refund Calculator to see if how much you are owed!
If you had to borrow again, kept on borrowing more, you were late making payments or could not make other payments then the payday companies were lending irresponsibly and they should not have given you a payday loan, and YOU COULD BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION.
Payday loan refund success in 2018: this can amount to quite a lot of money, we've had people getting over £11,000 in compensation. So if you're entitled it's well worth making a claim.
Find out NOW if you qualify for a refund and compensation for any Payday loans you have had.
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Registered office: Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX. Registered in England and Wales. Co Reg No. 11846763 is a comparison service that acts as an introducer to companies who offer regulated financial advice (FCA approved). Our website is completely free for you to use but we may receive a commission from some of the companies we feature. does not provide any advice and we are not liable for any financial advice provided by, or obtained through a third party. As with any investment, the value of investments can fall as well as rise and maybe worth less than what was paid in. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. does not provide any regulated debt activates in relation to debt counselling or adjusting. You can also get free impartial debt advice by following this link to the Money Advice Service.